Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hale Cemetery Re-Visit

I recently received a new request from Find a Grave for Hale Cemetery. This lady wanted pictures of several of her Hale ancestors.. Unfortunately most of the markers in this particular graveyard have been moved, or haven't weathered times.

W.T. Son of D. & Nancy Hale.

This marker was most definitely in the best shape. And thanks to your names and dates I was already armed with I could read the entire stone; Joseph Riley Hale.

J.R.H. - Not sure if it's Hale or Hicks or Hughes since all 3 surnames are buried here.

The next few pictures were further up the trail. Last time I was here I could only go so far on the trail because of trees the tornado knocked down back in April. This time I was able to go further and found these two 'vaults'. The trail continued on down and back up the hill, but there weren't any more headstones to be seen. I hope I didn't miss any.. From the looks of the property there are a LOT of graves here, with no markers, we were sure to be walking all over them.

A small marker in the shrubbery I noticed on our way out - J. W. H.

The rest of the markers were back at the front of the yard, they are Hicks.